LAND O’ LAKES, Fla. — Linda Shotsberger’s fight started off in the new year when she saw something that didn’t look right.

“I had turned yellow that was my only sign. And then they started testing and they found out I had pancreatic cancer,” she said.

Linda said she was lucky the cancer was still in its early stage. After her diagnosis, she’s been getting treatment at Moffitt Cancer Center.

“They gave me great hope. Great hope,” Shotsberger said.

That hope is something Moffitt Cancer Center is bringing to an entirely new community with Speros. That’s the name of Moffitt’s new 775-acre campus coming to Pasco County.

“Speros means hope. And this is going to provide a lot of hope for patients with cancer and many other diseases through the years,” said Moffitt CEO Dr. Patrick Hwu.

Moffitt will build the Speros on land off Ridge Road in Land O’Lakes. It will eventually have 140 buildings that will include housing, hotel space, veterans’ facilities, and academic training space. The first phase will cost $1.6 billion and will be completed over the next five years.

“This area is one of the fastest growing areas in the whole country and it has land availability, so we thought it was the perfect mix,” said Hwu.

While that building will bring hope to Pasco County, Linda said she continues to hold on to hope as she battles cancer. She told ABC Action News’ Erik Waxler that so far, the cancer hasn’t slowed her down.

“I’m retired, so I do anything that I want. I’ve just been doing the same activities. Hanging out with the grandchildren and friends and lunch. I live food,” Linda said.