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Porter Burks’ family will sue Detroit police officers after shooting

Attorney Geoffrey Fieger and associates, representing the family of Porter Burks, the Detroit man killed by police Sunday during a mental health crisis, announced Thursday at a press conference they will be filing a lawsuit against the officers who shot 38 rounds.

Attorneys for the family of Porter Burks, the Detroit man killed by police Sunday during a mental health crisis, announced Thursday at a press conference they will be filing a lawsuit against the officers who shot 38 rounds.

“We have what I consider to be an intolerable situation that occurred in the city of Detroit, in which a clearly mentally ill young man was executed by a Detroit Police Department firing squad of five officers,” attorney Geoffrey Fieger said. “I hope that Chief White is listening — I have more questions today than answers.”

Porter’s body was handcuffed after being shot multiple times and “dumped” at the hospital, he said. The Free Press has reached out to Detroit police for comment on the handcuffs.

Burks’ family and Fieger’s demand for justice comes after a tense confrontation between the family and Detroit police on Tuesday, when portions of body camera footage of the killing were released to the public.

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